Sunday, March 04, 2007

Just a thought....

Life is weird. I remember an old saying which goes something like, “You don’t know the wealth of water till the well is dry”. Think about it; its so strange na. To appreciate and realize its value, u have to lose it, the well has to turn dry. So unfair; the appreciation for a certain thing comes only when the thing is already gone; rarely does life give the chance of having something and enjoying it too under the awareness of its importance. Lets not go very senti…lets look at a simple example…how does it feel when u are expecting a call and keep looking at your cell phone, expecting that now the call will come, now the call will come and as always happens, it gets delayed..and what happens to you in the meantime, your palpitation increases, your anxiety increases, you start thinking about all kind of possibilities and when the call finally comes, you are so damn happy….Let me put u a simple question,”Would you be so happy if the call came as expected?” The answer is a simple no. What does it mean; your source of happiness also lies in the delay in the call or the pain associated with it. It’s so damn strange and amusing; for happiness to be enhanced, it needs to be preceded by pain and here again, what an irony: greater the pain, greater the subsequent joy. But if that were the case, life would be simple. But as is the reality, whatever is in the present is sure, whatever is to happen in future has an element of doubt or risk in it, you can never say for sure you will get something or not. Future is after all future and present is present…and however hard you try, you cant bring to present some things u want and keep shifting into future the things you don’t…

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